My apprenticeship search under difficult conditions

Andriana Dokic
04. May 2021

When I started my internship at KELLER last August, my goals for the internship year were to find an apprenticeship as a care specialist for the summer of 2021 and to improve my German. At the beginning I thought it would be easy to find one, but over time I realised that it was difficult to find a suitable job. Because of Covid-19, many companies were closed and most of them did not want to have strangers in their team, as the risk of infection was too great.

I was lucky and was still able to do a trial apprenticeship as a childcare specialist. For me, however, it was rather difficult to understand the little children because they only spoke Swiss German and because I've only been in Switzerland for two years, my German isn't that good yet.

But the language difficulties also became apparent when I did the Basic Check. I had to solve the tasks quickly and had little time to understand the sentences correctly.

These circumstances made it difficult for me to find an apprenticeship. And I was forced to look for different alternatives.

I had the prospect of a work placement in nursing but was only allowed to go for a day’s work experience. The experiences I had there unsettled me and didn't quite convince me – perhaps several days would have been more informative. I finally changed my mind and am now looking for an apprenticeship in a retail shop.

Now I hope that I will find an apprenticeship as a retail assistant by the summer and that I will continue to make such great progress in German.


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