KELLER 20SX – Piezoresistive Pressure Transmitter Heads With the Highest Level of Accuracy

Новости о продукции
06. February 2025

The KELLER 20SX series pressure transmitter heads with thread connection were specially designed and optimised for OEM applications. The pressure transmitter head is a hybrid of the 20S pressure transmitter and KELLER X-line electronics. This combination means the highest level of accuracy, extraordinary long-term stability and an equally high proof pressure can be achieved.

Features that many pressure transmitter manufacturers offer only as optional extras come as standard with KELLER products. Along with a compact, fully welded design, the 20SX series also boasts highly precise and scaleable digital compensation electronics. Unwanted inaccuracies, including thermal inaccuracies, can be minimised or compensated for using a mathematical model. The result is maximum accuracy and an extremely narrow TEB (total error band).

With the 20SX series, KELLER is now offering a further design in the OEM product range for the industrial, oil and gas sectors.

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