KELLER jumps in to help out

David Bollinger
02. agosto 2021

What does KELLER’s accuracy have to do with bed linen?

Accuracy, precision and expertise are values that KELLER has upheld and been known for since its establishment. That’s why KELLER Pressure received an unexpected request from a bed linen manufacturer, because accuracy and precision are crucial for a world record. 

Angela Bruderer AG, which is also based in Winterthur, needed an independent adjudicator for a world record attempt and therefore asked KELLER to provide someone for the event.

So that the world record attempt could be accepted by Guinness World Records, two other independent witnesses from House of Winterthur were also going to watch the action on site with me, the neutral KELLER adjudicator.

We met at the Schützenwiese stadium in Winterthur on Friday, 18 June 2021. Lots of helpers had already been there since 7 a.m., laying out and joining up the various panels of the bed linen mosaic comprising 672 bed covers sewn together. Luckily, the weather played ball and there wasn’t a cloud in the sky, although temperatures did rise above 25 °C, making everyone sweat. Nevertheless, there was a very cheerful atmosphere and the anticipation of the Angela Bruderer AG staff was palpable.

My job as adjudicator consisted of measuring and recording the final result. The mosaic’s motif also had to match the picture submitted in advance. The helpers therefore made sure that no overlaps and gaps between the individual duvets were visible while assembling it. The strict rules and requirements of Guinness World Records all had to be complied with.

Finally, once the mosaic had been fully laid out and inspected by drone, the total surface area was measured. As it was made up of various materials that stretched differently, it became clear that the area was not quite rectangular. So that the total area could still be determined as accurately as possible, various measuring points were defined and a simple mathematical formula was then used to try to calculate the area with as little loss as possible. For this purpose, the various measurements were read off down to the very last centimetre. The area had to be given exactly in m² to three decimal places.

The overall result was recorded in photos and video in order to prove the validity of the world record attempt.

We are delighted that KELLER was able to help with setting up this confirmed world record «Largest duvet cover mosaic (pattern)». We would like to congratulate Angela Bruderer on its award.


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