KELLER 23SXio - High-Precision Pressure Transmitter With IO-Link Interface

Notícias de produtos
21. listopadu 2024

The high-precision piezoresistive KELLER 23SXio series pressure transmitters can be used both as a pressure measuring instrument and as a pressure switch. Furthermore, they offer a significant increase of flexibility and efficiency in the measurement chain and helps to reduce costs.

The standardised IO-Link technology gives the user uniform specifications from the cabling to the protocol and still offers compatibility with common interfaces in automation technology.
This noticeably reduces the susceptibility to faults caused by incorrect wiring or similar errors, and BUS-specific definitions or parameterisations are not necessary.

The sensors can be conveniently parameterised via a computer connected to the network. Any malfunctions are detected at an early stage via the integrated diagnostic function and can be responded to immediately. If the sensor is replaced, the master detects the device and automatically writes the predefined parameters into the sensor. This significantly reduces machine downtime, personnel costs and susceptibility to errors.

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